Power reduction is a problem, and not only for men, but also for women. Faced with this, many resort to drug treatment, which is not always justified, because drugs can adversely affect other functions of the body. This article discusses an absolutely safe way to solve this intimate problem: nutrition to increase potency in men.
Why are there problems?
Potency is the ability of the male body to have sexual intercourse. The reasons for the decrease in potency can be many factors. Let's consider the main ones.
- Psychological reasons. These reasons include:
- rigorous upbringing, when, as a child, the boy was taught that sex is a dirty and unpleasant business, that "this" can only be done in marriage to conceive children;
- religious beliefs can also reject the joy of sex, so the power of a man who sincerely believes in such postulates diminishes;
- severe fatigue, lack of sleep;
- family conflicts, work failures and other stressful situations.
- Diseases.Diseases of the cardiovascular system, the thyroid gland can significantly reduce a man's potency. A temporary decrease is possible even with conditions that are not so dangerous for the body, such as, for example, with a cold, a bad tooth, etc.
- Taking medications. A side effect of a number of drugs is a decrease in libido (sexual desire) and, consequently, in potency.
- Bad habits. Namely: alcohol, nicotine, drugs.
- Male age. A decrease in potency in old age is normal, but not necessary, as a healthy man is able to have sex all his life.
- Food.Don't forget that eating certain foods can increase or decrease potency in men.
How to increase the power?
The answer to this question is obvious: it eliminates the cause of the problem. Sometimes the reason is not as obvious as in the previous cases, so you should seek the help of a specialist - urologist, andrologist or sexologist. They will help you understand a specific situation and find ways to resolve it.
Asking for help from a specialist is always helpful, but not all men are capable of sharing personal information. Those who do not dare to visit a doctor and those who, having eliminated the causes of the problem, strive for the fastest restoration of intimate life, should follow the diet to increase potency. Changing your diet is much easier and healthier than taking medications, which are only needed in severe cases.
It is important to remember that some people have food allergies, so avoid eating foods that trigger an allergic reaction.
Which food products increase potency?
So,let's talk in more detail about the foods that increase potency in men:
- Meat.The basis of the male principle is testosterone. This hormone is most actively produced when enough animal fat is received. This means that meat is a food product that increases potency in men. The most useful in this case are poultry, lean meat and small livestock. It is advisable to choose meat from male animals.
By the way, the stomach of a camel is considered the most effective for potency - this product has such a powerful effect that before sexual intercourse you need to eat only 3 grams. (it is about a pea by volume).
- The seminal glands of malesare traditional means of increasing male strength.
- Fish, seafood. Speaking of the beneficial effect of nutrition on potency, it is necessary to remember about seafood: the use of shrimp, mussels, shellfish helps improve erectile function, thanks to the high content of zinc and selenium in these products.
The introduction of fish into the diet in general has a beneficial effect on human health, but flounder and mackerel are the most suitable for solving sexual problems in men. The flounder is a fish considered in the erotic-amorous cuisine capable of evoking love. With frequent use, mackerel can not only increase potency, but also promote conception. However, it should be noted that only boiled fish has such an effect.
- Chicken and quail eggs. Contains choline and inositol, which promote the production of sex hormones and maintain the integrity of cell membranes.
- Dairy products: Cheese, cottage cheese, cream and butter are also included in the group of products that increase men's potency. Butyric acid - butyrate, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and protects against cancer.
- Chocolate. This product, loved by many, not only improves mood, fights stress, but also provides a good erection.
- Other productsthat improve potency: rye bread, pumpkin seeds. In addition to mushrooms, oils (olive, peanut, linseed), fish oil.
Proper nutrition to increase potency: herbal products
- The leaders in this product group are nuts: walnuts, pistachios, peanuts. To achieve the result, it is enough to eat 100 grams per day. peanuts.
- Greens are very useful. The undisputed leaders here are parsley and celery, the use of which helps to increase testosterone production. This result is achieved thanks to the high content of zinc and vitamins of group B. Do not give up coriander and spinach. They also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, a high content of plant analogues of male hormones.
- Citrus fruits. Oranges and lemons have long been known for their properties: they can increase potency and increase libido. It is worth noting that all yellow and orange fruits have this property in one way or another. This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of lutein, which activates the production of testosterone, as well as growth hormone.
Pomegranates are also included in the group of nutritional products for potency. They contribute to its enhancement; pomegranate juice has a particularly powerful effect on the male reproductive system. In addition, these fruits have protective properties against cancer, i. e. the use of pomegranates in food also protects against prostate cancer. It is recommended to drink a glass of pomegranate juice per day.
- Figs will help improve potency, have a beneficial effect on other organs: heart, kidneys, liver.
- Male nutrition for potency cannot do without onions and garlic. All types of onions restore hormonal balance and increase sexual activity. For this reason, onions were banned in monasteries. And the combination of onions and eggs multiplies the properties of both products useful for male potency. Scrambled eggs and onions are a great dish that can work wonders. You can also add parsley here to maximize the dish's usefulness for men. By the way, garlic is one of the aphrodisiacs available to everyone.
Products for beekeeping
The main product of beekeeping is honey. This product is unique in its composition and range of positive effects. If you are not allergic to beekeeping products, eating honey will help solve many health problems.
It has a strengthening and regenerating effect on male potency. The most effective is honey collected from jasmine flowers or orchids. The effects of this product are enhanced when combined with other foods on the list here, such as nuts.
A diet that negatively affects male strength
The influence of nutrition on potency can be negative. Consider what is not worth eating for men who have problems in their intimate life.
- Beer. It is clear that beer is the enemy of power. This is due to the fact that this drink promotes the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone, and this does not contribute to either potency or male appearance.
- The rest of the alcoholic beverages is a moot point. Of course, large doses of alcohol are harmful. However, with small doses, sexual desire is stimulated, but not for a long time: soon the desire weakens, a feeling of fatigue appears. Even such an image does not help improve potency. Therefore, alcohol should be included in the list of prohibited drinks.
- Legumes, especially soybeans. There are a lot of phytoestrogens here. It should be remembered that adding soy to a large number of food products, especially sausages, limits the use of these products by men who want to improve their sex life.
The following foods should be avoided in the diet:
- carbonated drinks;
- smoked meats;
- white bread;
- mayonnaise;
- ketchup;
- flour products;
- mint.
More information
A healthy diet and a diet that increases potency have a lot in common in the approach to food preparation, daily intake, etc. So, both directions in feeding advise against the use of fried food. Cooking methods should be chosen in such a way that the loss of valuable substances is minimal. Boiled and stewed products are the most useful, baked goods are the least useful.
Moderation is important in any case. Don't eat dozens of eggs, washed down with milk and honey, or three kilograms of celery a day. The result will be undesirable - disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Meals should be fractional, 5-6 times a day. This improves the assimilation of food, the maximum benefit is obtained from its use. In this case, there is no overload of the organs of the digestive system, as with overeating, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
Prevention of sexual weakness
Consolidating the recovery result and maintaining power will help:
- active lifestyle: movement maintains health and potency;
- calm - it will not always be possible to avoid stress, so it makes sense to reconsider your attitude towards them and start living in peace;
- giving up bad habits - alcohol, nicotine and drugs - will preserve not only potency, but, perhaps, a man's life;
- rest and healthy sleep.
By adhering to the principles outlined in this article, a man will gradually restore his power. The same principles will help you have an active sex life for many years.